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Start, lock and unlock your car all from your smartphone

Category: Our Blog


Check out the Smart Start app available for all smartphones
except Windows. Remember how cold last winter was? Just imagine how cold this
winter is going to be. With this app you don’t have to worry about sitting in
your car warming up for 10-15 minutes. You can set a schedule for what
temperature you want your car to be. The app also gathers local weather
information and asks you if you would like to start your car if outside
temperatures reach a certain temperature. You don’t have to worry about
touching a cold steering wheel or cold leather seats ever again. You just come
outside, jump in your car and drive to work or drop the kids off at school.

This app seems to be the most useful app for cars alongside
Google Maps. For an extra fee, this app also has GPS capability to track your
car. This could be helpful when your teenage son asks to borrow the car for the
weekend.  Or when you forget where you
parked at the mall. Prices range from $250-$539 for the system. The app is
free. Installation can cost additional fees.

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