Five Tips to Curb Road Rage

If you’re like most Jersey drivers, chances are you’ve experienced aggressive driving in the Garden State. In a Plymouth Rock study, 99% of respondents report having witnessed at least one road rage incident. From insulting gestures to physical altercations, dangerous decisions plague our roads.
The next time you’re feeling stressed behind the wheel or find yourself in the vicinity of an aggressive driver remember these tips to help defuse the situation:
- Check Your Pride When the Seatbelt Clicks: The goal is always to reach your destination safely. There’s no need to win or prove anything along the way.
- “Be My Guest”: Make this philosophy from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety your automatic response to other drivers who seem eager to get out in front.
- Stay Calm: Optimize your mindset by leaving early, adjusting your seat to the perfect position, and setting a comfortable climate. Soothing music has also been linked to stress relief.
- Avoid Eye Contact: Locking eyes with an aggressive driver can escalate an impersonal incident between two vehicles into a personal conflict.
- The Golden Rule: Driving courteously can help avoid provoking aggressive behavior from other drivers. By following these pointers and making a commitment against distracted driving, we can all Get Home Safe®.
Get your free quote from Reiner Insurance by calling 973-376-6810, and if you need additional information about road rage tips in NJ, you can contact us.
If you experience aggressive driving behavior or road rage in New Jersey, pull over to a safe area and contact New Jersey’s Aggressive Driver System via phone at #77. Remember, your report can help prevent a future tragedy.