Do you really need Snow Tires?
Is your car prepared for snow fall this winter?
As dreadful as it sounds, heavy snowfall is apart of the landscape of living in the Northeast. We experience four distinctive seasons. The reports of monumental snow in Buffalo are chilling (no pun intended).
Now is the time to make preparations for traveling in icy conditions. Safety comes first. If there is a ban on driving, DO NOT try to drive under any circumstances. But what if you are caught on the roadway trying to get to home from work?
Snow tires can be the remedy for aiding that journey home. Snow tires are designed to improve acceleration, handing and braking during winter conditions. Of course, snow tires is just one component of your car system that help with driving. Having good brakes, a well-maintained car, and a good attention span/reflexes are also helpful.
For a more detailed review on which winter tires to get check out Edmunds or TireRack.