December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month

With Christmas is right around the corner, Santa is making his list and checking it twice. Every toy store is bulking up their inventory and launching nonstop advertising to highlight the best deals. As parents, you want to keep your child happy and safe with the toys that you purchase for them. There are many dangers that can come with toys especially those designed to mimic weapons.
The U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission has many resources to aid parents in protecting their children against unsafe toys. They recommend not letting your small children, under the age of 3, play with small balls such as marbles or balloons. Small balls create a choking hazard as well as small pieces of plastic. Young children should avoid toys with straps and cords to prevent strangulation. Children should also be supervised when using electric toys in case of electric shock or burns. Be sure to heed the age warnings on toy boxes.
You can find their guides here.